Is quality holding back your value delivery?

Learn how to calculate failure demand and its impact on your team’s throughput and cycle time. Discover meaningful approximations to measure inefficiencies and improve productivity.

Two services for alignment and clarity

We are excited to announce the launch of our newly updated Xodiac website. We have completely changed the layout to clarify the outcomes we help organizations achieve. As before, you will also find useful links to events we are speaking at, podcasts, and blog posts. Our clients have been asking for a simple way to […]

Meet the learning organization

Discover the essence of a Learning Organization—an entity in perpetual transformation, driven by agile principles and change management.

Directing Flow

Discover how to effectively implement organizational change and technology adoption with our strategic roadmaps.

Automating Governance

Automating governance is crucial for balancing speed and safety in agile practices and DevOps. Learn how to integrate effective governance into your delivery pipeline to enhance efficiency.